Art connected us – City dissolve 04

Art connected us – City dissolve 04

The internet has changed our lives in recent times. It has certainly made it easier for us to access a lot of information, it has shortened distances, it has allowed us to communicate even from every places. So also in the field of Art, the network can be used, both as a creative and as a collective space in which to share, discuss and appreciate art.

Getting to know, getting in touch with other people from different cultures, I’ve always considered it to be a wealth. Of course, there is no turning back from globalization.


City dissolve 04 – In a global world 🌍, where do I end and you start 🏁 ?

40 x 40 cm, – mix media on canvas. – 2020

Luciano De Crescenzo in “Il dubbio” wrote: “Coffee and milk, after being mixed, will never be able to return to the way they originally were. Moral: Disorder has increased, and irreversibly. […] And ‘the Second Law of Thermodynamics “. Only a shadow, therefore, veils my thoughts, could sharing become homologation? All differences between cultures could disappear. Is all this Wealth or Loss?

I have no answers or certainties, I just have many doubts.

Of course I can’t consider sharing and opening up to other cultures as something negative, quite the opposite! At the same time, I cannot regard the loss of cultural identities as positive. I think it all depends on ourselves, being able to open up without ever forgetting our roots… a challenge of no small importance that will occupy our near future!

I’ll be happy to hear your opinions, share and comment me on social networks, or write me an email to, see you soon,


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